Instructions for Setting up a Sioux Tipi
Setting up a tipi correctly is a 3-5 hour job for two people. It is meticulous, but not overly complicated as long as directions are followed. Here is a brief […]
more > >How Ulukhaktok Prints are Made
Printmaking is a collaborative process. Artist, printmaker and arts advisor work together to create, select and produce prints. At the Ulukhaktok Arts Centre, original drawings are purchased by the print shop through the year. Once a year, drawings are chosen to appear in the annual print collection. The original drawings often become valuable collector’s items.
more > >History of Print Making in the Northwest Territories
The technique of stonecut printmaking was first introduced to Canadian Arctic communities in 1957 by James Houston. A modified version of Japanese woodcut printing, the use of stone in this way is exclusive to Canada’s North. Several co-operatives were established expressly for artists to create prints. Inuit embraced this unique means to express their stories and culture, and the art market responded enthusiastically.
more > >Information about Traditional Northen Quillwork
Using the quills of the porcupine, this intricate arte is used to decorate hide, fabric, and birchbark.
A technique practiced for centuries in many parts of North America, quillwork was the primary form of decoration by Dene women in regions where porcupines could be found. Around 1840, quillwork began to decline as glass beads became readily available to women in the Northwest Territories. Quillwork requires a high degree of patience, dexterity and attention to detail. Beads are much easier to use and do not need the difficult preparation that quills do.
Today, women in Fort Liard, Fort Simpson, Fort Providence and Jean Marie River continue to create this intricate style of decoration on clothing and accessories.
more > >Carving in the Northwest Territories
Stone and bone carvings are the highly prized iconic art from Canada’s North.
Common themes and images link all Northern art. Although there are eight unique Aboriginal groups in the Northwest Territories, similar themes appear in art across these cultures. Wildlife is one common thread. Each culture has a respectful relationship with animals, which is often reflected in art majestic polar bears and sturdy muskox from the far North; migratory water birds, graceful eagles and birds of prey, and imposing grizzly bears in southern regions. Drum dancers, hunters, and women and children are themes that permeate the art of all Northern cultures.
more > >How Birch Bark Baskets Are Made
Birch bark baskets have been used for hundreds of years for a number of different applications. Traditionally they were used for carrying food, water and storage.
Birch bark is a surprisingly durable material. Natural waxes in the tree make it water proof and when prepared properly even fire resistant.
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